A healing well
I love it when the stars align after weeks of seeking out guest performers, and the very ones you wanted in the first place end up saying yes. Wahoo! These little victories goes a long way for the little people clinking at our computers. It's an incredible feeling knowing that the extra email and late night conversations means changing the world for a new young child. Plan secured=Magical moments awaiting young children.
The entire school is reading "Wonder" this year, and is a moving story about a boy who faces bullying in school because of a disease that affects his face. A young boy who plays the 'Steve' role in story (think Stranger Things) has one of those awesome growing up moments to himself. He realizes that being born ugly is just a matter of chance, and here is how he reasons it out-- "maybe the universe is a lottery, but the universe makes it all even out in the end. the universe takes care of all its birds."Props to this amazing woman! In light of the 2nd annual Women's March and all that has happened in news, I want to give a shout out to Reena Esmail. She is a choral composer, but truly she is a world changer through her Indian American style that opens the world to itself with messages of peace and healing. She has inspired me to no end with her incredible compositions and willing to speak vulnerably about women's issues. You need to check her out if you have not yet! http://www.reenaesmail.com/
Here's some of what she had to say the other day--
"I am not interested in revenge, or a 'see how it feels?' moment. I don't want people to know how it feels. It is fucking awful, and no one, men or women, should have to survive that shit. I'm more interested in this next generation of amazing young people NEVER having to know how it feels.
Believe me, men, I see you. I see the terrified look in your eyes as you try to figure out how to be in this world, scrutinizing your actions, grappling with their consequences. Thank you for feeling that terror, for grappling and scrutinizing, and for trying to make a change. The road is bumpy, but we're making progress together."
If God is going to take care of women in the journey to find equality, he is certainly going to care for women and men alike in a true path to healing well.
If God is going to take care of women in the journey to find equality, he is certainly going to care for women and men alike in a true path to healing well.
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